I just can't tell you how important my girlfriends are in my life.
I adore my husband... I'm in love with being a mom to my two kids... I've even been blessed enough to find two career paths that I am passionate about... you could say I have it all.
But there are still days where I feel like everything is overwhelming me, or I'm not doing a good enough job at something... or maybe I'm just having a rough day.
Enter 5 amazing friends.
I'm pretty sure that when God designed my being, He designed me to be a companion. I love companionship, I love communication, and I love my friends. The six of us have this perfect combination of different personalities- each that balance and compliment one another in different ways- and all combine to make a pretty fantastic group. We balance raising our kids, being wives, running our households, balancing careers, and finding time to still get together to uplift each other and pray for one another. And once a year, we escape somewhere out of town to reflect, drink lots of wine, laugh, talk and relax.
This year was the first year that we didn't have any babies tagging along! One is on his way, but that doesn't count ;). We drove a few hours up to a new place in the mountain town of Strawberry, and spent a glorious weekend relaxing and talking.
Seriously- lots of talking. We had no cell phone service, no internet and no TV... and we didn't even miss it. Honestly! You know you are in the midst of true friends when an entire weekend goes by and you have spent the entire time just talking with each other. I could go on and on about our funny conversations, hilarious new inside jokes, and our favorite traditions that we enjoyed- but you probably wouldn't find it nearly as funny as we did ;).
But the best part of the weekend was a fantastic evening spent belting out karaoke at a local dive bar. We dressed in our boots and jeans, and put on quite a show for the poor locals who never saw it coming... Strawberry will never be the same.
Have you ever heard me sing??
Exactly. It's not pretty.
But we had the time of our lives..in fact, it was probably one of the most fun evenings I have had in a long time. And it gave us LOTS of material for our stories and inside jokes for the next year =).
I could tell you the details- but then I'd have to kill you ;)

Love you girls! And stay tunes for the special picture... you know what I'm talking about.....