Monday, April 20, 2009

Prayer Request....

If you haven't read MckMama's blog before...then you've been missing out. I admire her passion, her gift for writing, her zest for life as a mother, her creativity, her photography talent.....but most of all, I admire that in the midst of a storm- her brand new baby facing life threatening heart surgery- she stand in complete and utter praise for the Lord.
She could lose her son! No one has ever seen his particular type of heart condition fact- he wasn't even supposed to live past birth! But now she holds vigil at his bedside in the ICU (with 3 other children at home, mind you), and still looks to Jesus and praises Him without ceasing.
That is such a gut-check for me.
Tomorrow, her little boy will be undergoing a very fragile heart procedure. If you are reading this, please take a minute to lift her in prayer. Pray for wisdom for the doctors, pray for peace for Jennifer (McK Mama) and pray for a miracle for Stellan.
I will definitely be in prayer tonight and tomorrow......while I squeeze my two beautiful and healthy children that God has (unfairly and undeservedly) blessed me with.
Lord, be near.


emily morgan said...

YAY! I follow McMamma's blog religiously, and I too admire what an amazing woman of God she is. I've been in prayer for little Stellen for quite some time and in honor or him tomorrow as he goes into surgery (and to remind myself to be in prayer all day) I'm wearing an orange shirt with a "praying for Stellen" sticker. Want to join me??

Wayne & Shawna said...

I've been praying today! I forgot to wear orange though....
I have to say that even though I knew he was going into surgery today my heart dropped at the first few words in her blog, I thought she was saying that he had pasted away and he was at peace, I almost started crying before I realized she was saying he had been sedated for surgery. It sounds horrible but I was happy to read that! Thank you for introducing me to her page, she is such a amazing woman!!