Monday, July 6, 2009

It's That Time Again...

Welcome back to my "Not Me" Monday. It's been a while since I've done one- but MckMama's new logo is just too cute to resist doing a new "Not Me" post! Maybe my absence is partially due to the fact that I do not want to talk about the fact that I did not finish off some sour candy I had lying around for breakfast. No way. And I did not forgo giving Ty a bath simply because I really wanted to watch my TiVod episode of House Hunters this morning. **What is it about that show that intrigues me? I find it so fascinating watching other couples look for a new home..and then I play this little game in my mind where I try to guess which house they are going to, that's even more embarrassing. Not me!!** I did not call my sister this morning to ask if she could come over and play with Ty so I could get some chores done. And I did not end up scratching some of those chores off my list because...well....I just didn't feel like doing them. It was just one of those tomorrow I need to have a BIG cup of coffee to get me going, and to make up for all this things I did not do today!


The Abram Family said...

I LOVE House Hunters!!!

Heather @ my peanut butter cups said...

LOVE House Hunters! We have such good taste! =)