Friday, June 5, 2009

My Oh My!

Look who's getting soooo big!
Ok, don't let the picture fool you- I would like to think that I'm such a fantastic potty trainer that I already have my 18 month-old baby boy all grown up and out of diapers....but that just hasn't happened. But what we have done, is get out Bella's old potty-training potty and start introducing him to it. Bella was so easy...that girl was potty trained in a matter of a few days. But I've heard boys take a little I'm starting to just ease myself into the process. He's actually really interested, and he'll even go over by himself and sit down. So I bought him some big boy underwear (more for my enjoyment and giggles than for actual practical use) and I just couldn't believe how much he is starting to look like a big boy! They are a little big in the tush (my kids have no butts....they are such skinny-minnies) but he ran around the playroom and kept looking down trying to figure out what they were :-)

And then, as if right on cue- Tyler peed in his pants.

Oh well.
I probably have a long road ahead, so I'm getting the carpet cleaner out now!


Aunt Sharon said...

I can't believe you caught that exact expression on camera when Tyler tinkled...adorable!Potty training UGHHH! what a nightmare. Good luck Breezy.

The Abram Family said...
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The Abram Family said...

I don't know how my comment got deleted...anyways I was saying how I had to keep Allie away from looking at these pics, they were a little risk-ay. :)

Wayne & Shawna said...

LOL, I agree with Heather! :)
Seriously though, that is so cute Bri! I can't believe he is getting so big! You get the greatest pictures, your kids are either going to love that they have so many to look at when they get older or hate that you have so many, but my guess is the first! I love looking back at all of the photos my parents have of us as children.

The Squires Family said...

Jacob was just shy of three years when he was fully potty-trained. It took months and months of us trying and then he finally decided he was ready on his own. Abby has been interested for months already and if it were up to her and I were more motivated, she'd be completely trained by now. What a big difference between girls and boys!

Jenna Jill said...

I heard you can let them run around naked in the summer and they don't like peeing on themselves. Lol. There's a good piece of advice from someone who has ZERO kids eh. Ha ha ha..... Howz that for risk-ay! I thought it sounded rather green actually. Less laundry and easier clean up. Shoot he could water your flowers and you'd really get your mileage out of the process.